Machine Frames

Machine Frames are the central component of every Machine in Thermal Expansion. A Machine Frame of any type must be crafted in order to craft a Machine.


Machine Frame (Basic)

Shaped Crafting
Machine Frame (Hardened)

Shaped Crafting

Machine Frame (Reinforced)

Shaped Crafting
Machine Frame (Resonant)

Shaped Crafting

The same recipes apply for upgrading existing Machines. Simply replace the Machine Frames with Machines of the same tiers.


There are four tiers of Machine Frames: one for every tier in the mod's tier system. When crafting a Machine with a certain tier of Machine Frame, the Machine will also be of that tier.

Machine Frames and Machines can be upgraded to higher tiers at one tier at a time. In order to craft Frames of higher tiers, the lower tier Frames must be crafted first.

The tier of a Machine determines several of its properties:

  • How many Augments can be installed at once; starting at three, increasing by one per tier up to a maximum of six Augments
  • Which Levels of certain Augment types can be installed
  • The maximum amount of Redstone Flux that can be stored
  • The maximum amount of Redstone Flux that can be received per tick
  • How much can be stored in internal fluid tanks, if applicable
  • How many items are ejected at a time, if the Integrated Servo Mechanism Augment is installed

The latter few properties are mainly useful for when Processing Speed Augments are installed.

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Last updated: 2017-09-24 08:15:07 +0000