Thermal Expansion

Thermal Expansion is the central mod in the 'Thermal' series. As the original Team CoFH mod, it contains various machines, tools and a bunch of other toys, most of which are based around Redstone Flux.

Increase your ore yield, generate cobble easily, freeze water into ice, grow your crops and more! Make your machines even better using Augments!
Generate Redstone Flux using Steam, Lava, Fuel, Redstone, or even Sewage!
Activate things autonomously, teleport things around, send unwanted matter to /dev/null and launch your friends into the air!
Store your items, fluids or Redstone Flux securely and portably!
Add some color to your base! Lighting blocks that can be any color and respond to Redstone signals in various ways!
Adjust blocks, measure all the things, copy machine settings and light forests on fire from a distance!
Throw hot fluids at your enemies, throw less hot fluids at your friends or vice versa!
Mod Support
Look up recipes in machines, drink Ender through a straw, obtain research points from machines and forge shiny hammers!
If you are looking for the ores, materials and mobs, see Thermal Foundation. Or if you are looking for ducts, see Thermal Dynamics.

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Last updated: 2017-09-24 08:15:07 +0000