Niter (Saltpeter)

Niter is a type of dust added by Thermal Foundation. It can be obtained as a byproduct of processing Sandstone or Blitz Rods in a Pulverizer. Niter is also sometimes dropped when a Blitz is killed.


Niter is a critical component in the creation of Cryotheum Dust and Aerotheum Dust, and their corresponding fluids. The material can also be used together with Sulfur to create Gunpowder. Lastly, it can be used to craft Phyto-Gro for use in Phytogenic Insolators from Thermal Expansion.


Shapeless Crafting

Shapeless Crafting


Since Niter is essentially saltpeter, it may feel more logical to call the material 'Saltpeter Dust'. The reason behind the name 'Niter' is that it is actually a more accurate term for this material; 'Niter' is defined as the mineral form of saltpeter.

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Last updated: 2017-09-24 08:15:07 +0000