Blazing Pyrotheum

This is actually worse than lava. You monster.

Blazing Pyrotheum is a fluid that is produced when Pyrotheum Dust is molten down. It is the fire elemental fluid. The fluid is very, very hot, and is said to be worse than Lava.


Magma Crucible


The following table lists some details of Blazing Pyrotheum. The same details for Water and Lava are included for comparison.

Fluid Temperature Luminosity Density Viscosity
Blazing Pyrotheum 4000 15 2000 1200
Water 300 0 1000 1000
Lava 1300 15 3000 6000


Because of the extreme heat, Blazing Pyrotheum can be used to produce Redstone Flux using a Magmatic Dynamo. Other than that, it doesn't have much use (besides death traps).


When Blazing Pyrotheum is placed down, the way it flows is very similar to the way Lava flows. However, it starts fires much more aggressively than Lava does. Source blocks of the fluid also gradually fall downwards if there are no blocks under them.

Blazing Pyrotheum also interacts in specific ways with some entities or blocks that it touches:

  • Any blocks that are flat on top get set on fire.
  • Cobblestone gets turned into Stone.
  • Grass Blocks get turned into Dirt.
  • Sand gets turned into Glass.
  • Clay Blocks get turned into Hardened Clay.
  • Stone Stairs get turned into Stone Brick Stairs.
  • Water and Ice get turned into Stone.
  • Snow Blocks and Snow Covers are evaporated.
  • Entities get hurt and set on fire, as if they were in Lava.
  • Creepers instantly explode. Violently.


Blazing Pyrotheum can be drunk using a Straw. When done so, the player is dealt quite a bit of damage and gets set on fire for 30 seconds.

Why would you drink that?

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Last updated: 2017-09-24 08:15:07 +0000